Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm Seeing Red Right Now, So I Don't Have a Good Title For This Post.

On the surface, I tend to have a rather dim view of my fellow humans. I often feel that I wouldn't piss on most people even if they were on fire. Now, that may be rather pessimistic, and, truth be told, deep down I believe there is more good in the world than evil.

Still, sometimes it's hard to tell.


Jessica Boyd said...

Sometimes I'm truly ashamed of my species.

I do think the good balances the evil in the overall big picture, but I agree with you--sometimes it's hard to tell in the short term.

Deb said...

BR, I don't know what to say. I'm speechless and disgusted.

Buck said...

Good Lord. What a freakin' horror story.

Mouse said...

What incredibly disgusting "people." Too bad they can't be treated the same way they treated those horses. Not that they would ever understand the poetic justice of it, but I have to admit, I would get a bit of pleasure out of knowing that they at least experienced the same suffering.

Emily said...

Thats horrible! The poor things...

ImaDreamer said...

That's horrible!! I dont know how people can be so cruel to these poor, animals who cant even speak for themselves.

sweetpea said...

Things like this absolutely sicken me. In our own area a couple men were convicted of several counts of animal cruelty for not giving proper care to 30+ horses. Horse thieves in our state can still be hung, why can't this happen for people that do things like this?! Animals can not tell humans what they need and want, we as humans need to make sure their needs are met, and if we become incapable of caring for our animals then we need to make sure they go to someone who can provide for them!

JMA said...

Horrible story about the animals. That's simply just not right!

Kris, in New England said...

These people aren't human. They are an insult to the air they breathe.

buy lab coats said...

people are the one to choose their path for good or for bad.