I've been dragging my feet a bit on this one, but in the spirit of things, I'll get on board.
There are rules that go along with this award:
1.Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3.Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4.Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
1. I'm fiercely proud of being an American.
2. I like to read. My preferred genre is history, primarily the Second World War, but I look forward to Clive Cussler's latest Dirk Pitt novels.
3. If a friend needs a favor, I will help out without question. But, I will never ask anyone for help. I'm just funny that way.
4. If someone had told me six years ago that horses would be a large part of my life, I would have laughed them out of the room. Now I cannot imagine a life without them.
5. I used to be extremely introverted. I'm still not very adept at making small talk if common ground for a conversation can't be found, but I'm no longer the quiet guy in the corner.
6. I'm nostalgic. I sometimes wish I had been born to an earlier era. Not because I think life was better, but rather because it was simpler.
7. I think that riding a horse at a dead run is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
Fifteen recently discovered blogs:
1. Spotty Horse News.
2. A Year With Horses.
3. Andy's Place.
4. Full of Love and Life.
5. Kat's Scribbles.
6. Murphy and Other Stories.
7. Observations of an Okie Biker.
8. Rockbottom.
9. When it Strikes Me.
10. Hoof 'n Barrel.
11. Life at Sweetpea's Heaven.
12. A Filly's Best Friend.
13. On a Chicken Wing and a Prayer.
14. Innominatus.
15. MiKael's Mania.
Whew! One less thing to procrastinate on.