Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What I Saw Yesterday

I flew down to the Bay Area yesterday on work related travel. One the stops on our itinerary was in Santa Rosa. As we were driving through town, we passed a coffee shop with the rather memorable name "Bad Ass Coffee".

Standing in front of this store, in a parking stall no less, was a fully saddled Paint Horse. I kid you not.

Unfortunately, I was unable to convince the city slickers in the van that we needed to stop for a photo op, and I'm just not that quick on the iPhone camera.

Shortly after takeoff on the return trip.

The plane was an Airbus A320. Prior to this trip, I hadn't flown on an Airbus product. After yesterday, I'm not in a rush to do so again. The plane made more screeching, bumping, and other weird noised than I've ever heard out of an aircraft before. Several others made the same observation.


Anonymous said...

Airbuses are OK - they just sound different from Boeings - which have their own screeching, whining noises, depending on where you're sitting in the cabin. The differences take some getting used to, though.

Would have loved to have seen the paint horse in the parking slot!

sweetpea said...

I am fairly new to your blog but I like what I've read so far.
If it were me, I would have made the city slicker stop for that photo op! They are always in a hurry and don't take the time to notice things around them. Paints are one of my favorite breeds, well they all are but they are the breed that seem to catch my eye more than others. Hope to be ready for our horses next summer.

Jessica Boyd said...

HEY! You are in my neck of the woods! You could even meet my infamous horses. :)

Hope your trip is good, weird aircraft noises aside.

Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

Kate: I still found some of those noises a little unnerving. I wish I could have gotten a picture.

Sweetpea: welcome the blog. The city boys looked at me like I had a third eye cause I found the scene entertaining. Hope you can get your horses!

Jessica: Too bad I was only there for the day.

Kate said...

There's a Dairy Queen in our town where it's not unusual to see 10 or 12 saddled Quarter Horses standing quietly in the parking lot. This Dairy Queen is on a major intersection on Interstate 40. Horses don't seem to mind. They patiently wait for their kiddos to get ice cream!

Phoenix said...

I was born in Santa Rosa and I saw that coffee shop last time I was there visiting. Unfortunately I thought it might be a little awkward to ask my grandma to stop so I could try it...

Buck said...

I'm no fan of Airbuses, either, and MUCH prefer Boeing product. But ya takes what ya gets, right?

"Bad Ass Coffee." Heh. I brew a pot of that EVERY day!

Kipp said...

Airbus...just does not give off the same fuzzy feeling of "Commercial Passenger Jet"...

Gordon Scott said...

You're right about the Airbuses; they do make some weird noises. We'll see more of them; with just Boeing and Airbus building the big jets, some airlines will buy their (heavily subsidized) product.

I grew up with the Boeing 707/27/37/47 series, and the KC-135 is just a variation of that line. I guess I'm used to Boeing's idiosyncrasies.

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