The first challenge is getting the offending wheel off the ground. A six inch lift and 35 inch tires tend to complicate jacking the vehicle up and setting it on a jackstand.
But it can be done, and soon the tire was on the ground, revealing the shiny new brakes I installed last weekend. Rust sure does set in fast in these parts.
Enter complication number one. Just about every fastener on this truck is metric, and the spindle nut (center of the picture below) is extra large. Despite having a tool set which is the envy of all my friends (courtesy of my Dad, the retired diesel mechanic), it's a bit light in the large size metric department. Thus it was off to the parts store to purchase a 35mm socket.
The cause of the problem quickly revealed itself. There was a great deal of play in the hub. The photo below reveals a bearing race sticking out where it shouldn't be.
Out with the old, and in with the new.
I'm pleased to report that the grinding metal sound is no longer present, and The Beast has once again been restored to her former glory.
On a side note, one socket and one universal joint were broken in the process of these repairs. Thank goodness for lifetime tool replacement.
Ford's gone metric on their pickups? That just seems so... Un-American!
Buck, it strikes me as fundamentally wrong. I know that GM went metric awhile back also. I'm sure it has something to with marketing them overseas, but I still don't like it.
I'm hearing a little bit of knocking from the same place on my truck. Probably something expensive.
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