Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Appropos of Something, I Suppose...

I'm late to the party where country music is concerned. When I was younger I assumed it was all along the vein of "my dog died" or my "girl ran off". Chalk it up to youth.

My father once told me that when I get old, I will listen to country music. I must be old, since I have started to listen to KBEC & KJUG on the computer. They play that old timey country. I've discovered that I enjoy it.

As for the newer stuff, I do like some of it, but as an old mule jockey told me, most of it is "rock 'n roll with a twang".


Buck said...

Country Music was one of those cultural identifiers back in the '60s and '70s, largely the purview of those hicks us hipsters looked down on in our stupid-ass and oh-so-smug way. I'm glad I'm not as smart as I used to be now days... coz I find I'm enjoying SO many more things. Including country music. :D

Kris, in New England said...

I am more of a "rock with twang" kinda girl. :-)

Daphne said...

Johnny Cash Rules!!!!!

I hate that passel of falsetto castrati boys singing most of the new stuff. Give me a deep manly voice in my country music.

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it