Friday, April 24, 2009

Cat Herding

Our friends have a number of barn cats. And two, possibly three of the said barn cats are with kitten(s). Seems the appointment for spaying wasn't scheduled prior to the arrival of a stray tom, who apparently had his way with a number of the feline ladies.

I'm trying to convince them that we could put our horses to a new use:


Gordon Scott said...

We adopted a kitten of a barn cat. She's the biggest tomboy you'll ever see. It's hard to see how, but apparently there is something about barncattery that is passed down.

Buck said...

I used ta be a cat-herder, seeing as how I spent 14 years with EDS. They still deposit a love note (albeit a TINY one) in my bank account every month. God Love 'Em!

Unknown said...

That's damned good.

Laura said...

I love the guy showing off his scratches, and one of them using a lint roller! LOL!

Daphne said...

That was funny.

Michelle H. said...

Oy! I had barn cats when growing up. LOTS OF CATS! They were a huge wild pack that once attacked our new dog. I'd be afraid what they might do to a horse.