Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Hope There Is A Special Place In Hell...

...for people that do things like this.

More on that.


innominatus said...

This psycho chick needs follow the horse thieves to that Special Place.

Boss Mare Eventing said...

That is psycho. Not impressed with that girl at all.

Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

inno: The depravity of my fellow humans knows no bounds. I find it strangely tragic that their are no qualifications to reproduce.

BeBe: Nor am I.

Mary said...

What the hell is wrong with people???? My mind reels, my world spins, I don't get it. This sickens and saddens me to no end. Sh*t.

Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

Mary, for those of us who understand and believe in the bounds of acceptable behavior, there is no chance we will ever comprehend these abhorrent people.

Deb said...

Those are REALLY sick b*tches. My god.

K.K. said...

when I was Jaci's age, and a romatic relationship went sour, I didn't kidnap his horse and have it killed. I didn't smash his pickup Carrie Underwood style. I got over it and moved on peacfully.
I don't know what is wrong in her head to think that doing that was the right thing to do. I dont' know why her mother and others went along with this plan. It is sick and wrong and those people are disgusting.

Buck said...

Even a special place in Hell would be too good for "people" like this.

Andy said...

Dave, this is a local story for me. Magnolia, AR is about 100 miles up the way from us. In fact, the first link is to our local CBS affiliate's site. BTW, when I hit the link I found out that it's 28 degrees at my house. Brrrr.

I had heard the beginning of this...about the original horse theft. But, honestly I've been busy and haven't followed the local news the last several days.

Dude, that is some sick shit! Seriously! I mean, whatever happened to vandalizing a guy's truck, or something? Murdering his horse?

I don't know if I'd want the bitch to go to hell or anything...but there is some serious psycho junk needs dealing with in that cranium.

And, as for the Okie freshman...well...young people do stupid junk...and I hope he pays dearly for it.

This story is just sickening in a lot of ways. There were days when stealing a man's horse would get you hanged. Ummmm...well, that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Anonymous said...

It's horrible what people could do to animals. I don't dig why they even bother about doing this? I mean, what's the actual point?

Quinceanera said...

I know it's a cliche quote but somebody once said that the measure of our humanity is how we treat animals.